Tutor in Fountain Valley, CA 92708

Randy C.

0 activity points ?

0 review(s): 0% positive

0 question(s) answered

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Stark State College
Associate’s degree, Software Engineering

Lake High School
High school student, Computer Science

Tutoring Experience:
2 years
Preferred Grade Level:
College, Graduate, Middle school, Adult learner, High school
Experience with
Special Needs: ?
Certified Teacher:
Cancellation Notice:
8 hours
Tutoring Location:
Student’s home, Public place (library, park, etc)
This map depicts an approximate location, based on the ZIP code only

Hello! My name is Randy and I have extensive experience tutoring students of all levels in a variety of subjects. My specialties are Math, Science, Writing, & Guitar. I also teach Bass Guitar & Programming.

Students find me to be an excellent tutor because I'm able to teach material in a fun and effective way. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to help you or your student with their coursework!

Reviews of Randy

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Randy’s answers

This a tutor did not answer questions.